Wedding Bells

October 25, 2021
Nothing More, Nothing Less

Her eyes. They’ve always given me a buzz. Now, they intoxicate. I practically slur my words through our vows and the eventual “I do.” 

Entering the suite, I immediately grab hold and toss her onto the bed. It’s just us now. She smiles, looking at me with those eyes “C’mere,”.

There hasn’t been a moment I’ve wanted to look away.

It’s been about six months since the wedding and, just like every morning since, I have her cup of coffee. Hair knotted, she smiles, “Mornin’,”

Something’s different. Looking into her eyes now, I wonder… have they always been so dull?

Harrison Peck

Writer, Reader, Traveler, Coffee Drinker, Donut Dunker Extraordinaire

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