To Dream a Dream

October 13, 2021
Nothing More, Nothing Less

When Henry was young, he was afraid of most things.

However, he was always most afraid of dreaming. His dreams were always forming into terrible nightmares. 

Nightmares; where his dad forgets to lock the door, someone sneaks into his room, and dad no longer wakes up. 

After waking in a personal pool, he’d rush to his dad for comfort.

Time passes…

Now, Henry is older, brave; a dad himself. Comforting his own children with their nightmares, reminded of his own. 

Soon, Henry will be old, forgetful. Forgetting little things like his nightmares, and locking the door, just like his dad.

Harrison Peck

Writer, Reader, Traveler, Coffee Drinker, Donut Dunker Extraordinaire

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