The Sum Of Us

January 25, 2022
Nothing More, Nothing Less

We lie in bed, eyes refusing to break. I look into her, and she looks into me. 

She sees through it all.

All performances.

All facades.

She places one last kiss; something inside cracks. Out streams years of the man I’ve hidden. She’s put the pieces of who I truly am together, seeing me.

She wipes my tears; I wipe hers. 

My heart tightens; this is where I leave the warmth of her arms which have held me together. 

Knowing that, I still get up. 

Each step causes me to fall apart. 

“I Love you.” 

Knowing that, I still leave.

Harrison Peck

Writer, Reader, Traveler, Coffee Drinker, Donut Dunker Extraordinaire

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