The Delusions Of Communication

December 22, 2021
Nothing More, Nothing Less

“I’ve heard so much about you.”


You have? Good or bad?

No, it can’t be good.

It must be bad. 

But which particular type of bad? 

Bad like “Oh she’s great but in small doses.” There’s a compliment hidden in there.

Maybe it’s “I tolerate her cause we work together.”. 

Oh, no. Could it be “I hate her, she’s a total bitch.”?

Oh god, she hates me without even getting to know me. I swear I’m not a bitch. I’ll have to convince her otherwise… I know just what to say.

“Really? I’ve heard so much about you too.”

Harrison Peck

Writer, Reader, Traveler, Coffee Drinker, Donut Dunker Extraordinaire

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