
November 15, 2021
Nothing More, Nothing Less

Watching it unfold is pretty interesting, even after hundreds of times. The structure’s always the same.

The meet cute, relationship, “fun” phase, fight, breakup, boombox, makeup kiss, and happily ever after. 

The weirdest part; I’ve never seen the after of happily ever after. 

My best friend had a meet cute. The whole shebang and the inevitable happily ever after.

Poof — gone. Haven’t seen him since.

Haven’t had one myself. Honestly, I don’t want one. I’m happy just sitting on the sidelines; being the unassuming guy in accounting. 


That girl’s juggling quite the stack of coffee. I should help.

Harrison Peck

Writer, Reader, Traveler, Coffee Drinker, Donut Dunker Extraordinaire

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