In My Skin

December 1, 2021
Nothing More, Nothing Less

Still here; ears, nose, mouth. 

They’re where they’re supposed to be. 

The face is the same, relatively speaking. 

The eyes?​​ They’re not mine. 

I don’t recognize them, haven’t for a while.

Mine are a beautiful deep blue, these are… well, deep blue, but different. 

They’re tired and boring.

When I first saw them, I couldn’t react — so I’d hoped someone would react for me; nobody did. 

Nobody noticed. I barely do anymore. 

Mine are chains holding up an anchor. ​​These are the anchor, begging to sink. 

I’m inclined to let them . . . one day.

Harrison Peck

Writer, Reader, Traveler, Coffee Drinker, Donut Dunker Extraordinaire

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